Consultation Services

Individual Homeowners
$250 | Duration: 2 hours
Lot sizes up to 5 acres
A 2-hour site visit will be scheduled with clients, which involves a walk-around their yard to discuss questions about existing non-native invasive plant issues and potential follow up planting ideas.
HomeOwners Associations & Neighborhoods
$300 | Duration: Up to 2.5 hours
Total lot size greater than 5 acres
Meet with the relevant HOA representative to discuss overall issues of non-native invasive plants in regard to HOA residential and/or open space areas, HOA goals, capacity for restoration project work and funding.
Indoor PowerPoint Presentations
$250/presentation | Duration 2 hours
Each 2-hour presentation contains detailed information and graphics with Q&A time for participants. Three presentation options available.
Zoom Presentations
$150/presentation | Duration 1 hour
Choose between Educational or Procedural presentations. Each 1-hour presentation contains detailed information and graphics with Q&A time for participants.
Outdoor Workshops
$300 | Duration: 2 hours
This involves hands-on instruction of residential manual/mechanical control methodology with various tools/equipment.