Restored Sites
We've developed strategic, targeted invasive plant removal with proven results. Shown here are some of our best success stories!
Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) removal


Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) removal via fern displacement


Create a Natural Habitat in Your Yard!
Why? Well, why not? You have your own personal habitat inside the house which meets your needs. But as we humans have expanded our population and created desirable infrastructure, we have taken the protective cover, homesites, and food resources away from our fellow members of the animal kingdom.
This has been harmful to them, and, it has brought harm to us, as well. We have tried to minimize our impacts by establishing protected lands in the form of national parks, forests, and conservation easements, but have left our cities and suburbs increasingly barren of diverse natural ecosystems. While a few species have adapted to such sterile environments, we have excluded native trees, shrubs and herbs which had been present for many thousands of years. We have also lost beautiful varieties of birds, butterflies, colorful pollinating insects, and other wildlife which can survive only among those missing native plants.
The good news is that you can easily bring them back! All you have to do is plant the species that they need for sustenance. If you plant it, they will come. Doing so will take you on a journey of surprise and increasing appreciation for the part you can play in restoring native habitats. RestoraFlora is here to help you begin the journey into this natural world.